How to Disable ACF’s New Post Types & Taxonomy Registration
In the ACF 6.1 release, the ACF team rolled out the ability to register custom post types and taxonomies via the plugin. While the feature was a highly requested one, you may already have a process for handling these items in your WordPress development workflow to where it doesn’t make sense to run it through the plugin. If that’s the case, disabling the new feature altogether may be an approach you’re interested in.
Luckily, the ACF development team has provided a way to do just that! It’s incredibly simple to disable the post types and taxonomies registration feature via the acf/settings/enable_post_types filter by adding the following to your theme’s functions:
add_filter( 'acf/settings/enable_post_types', '__return_false' );
This will remove the post types and taxonomies menu options from underneath ACF in the admin and you can keep your ACF usage focused on custom fields. Quick and painless!